Regional Express Pilots Agreement


Regional Express (Rex) has recently reached a new agreement with its pilots on terms for a new enterprise bargaining agreement. This agreement covers all 500 of Rex`s pilots and has been made after months of negotiations.

Among the terms agreed upon in the new agreement is a wage increase of 2.5% per annum over the next four years. This is in line with the increases being seen in many other industries across Australia. There is also a provision for a one-off cash bonus payment for pilots who have been with the company for more than three years.

In addition to the wage increase, the new agreement includes provisions for improved working conditions, including increased rest periods and better rostering arrangements. There are also enhanced opportunities for career progression, with increased training and development opportunities for pilots.

The new agreement has been broadly welcomed by both the pilots and the company. Rex CEO Neville Howell said that the agreement was “fair and reasonable” and would help the airline to retain its skilled workforce. “We believe this agreement provides an excellent platform for the continued growth and success of our airline,” he said.

The agreement comes at a time of rapid growth for Rex, which is expanding its services across Australia. The airline has recently added new routes and increased the frequency of services on existing routes, and plans to continue expanding its network in the coming years.

Overall, the new agreement between Rex and its pilots is a positive development for the airline and for the aviation industry in Australia. It provides stability and security for both pilots and the company, and should help to ensure a continued expansion of services and growth for Rex in the years to come.

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