Upcoming Podcasts

Below is a list of podcasts we’re working on. Check back every week for the latest installment.

  • Choosing the right plan(s) to offer to your employees (HMOs, HSAs, mispriced plans)
  • The rate impact of older and younger plan participants (age vs. composite, dependents)
  • The LEGAL way to convince older employees to drop off the group plan
  • Ways around the carrier’s participation and contribution requirementsNow that they’re legal, are QSEHRAs actually a good solution?
  •  Defined Contribution Cafeteria Plans
  • Catastrophic Coverage and Hybrid Health Plans
  • Have you heard? About the MERP?
  • Supplemental Coverage : it doesn’t have to be voluntary
  • The Direct Primary Care Movement
  • Telehealth and Other First Dollar Benefits
  • We’ve all heard about consumerism, but what exactly is it (and does it even work)?
  • The recipe for an effective CDHC strategy
  • Health Savings Accounts
  • The Provider Hierarchy
  • Advocacy and Transparency Tools
  • Prescription Savings
  • Reference-Based Pricing
  • Wellness Programs
  • What are the ACA rules for small and large employers?
  • Level-Funded Plans
  • Association Plans
  • PEOs – friend or foe?
  • Captives
  • Understanding Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (MEWAs)
  • Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) Plans
  • Why will individuals have more options in 2019?
  • Marketplace and Off-Exchange Plans
  • Continuation and Special Enrollment Opportunities
  • Short-Term Plans
  • Health Care Sharing Ministries
  • Some individuals can get group coverage