Infographic: 5 Steps to Simplify Insurance Jargon for Clients


Infographic 1: “5 Steps to Simplify Insurance Jargon for Clients”

Title: At the top of the infographic, display the title in bold, eye-catching letters.

Section 1: Identify common insurance terms

  • Visual: A magnifying glass hovering over a list of insurance terms (e.g., deductible, co-pay, premium, out-of-pocket maximum, etc.)
  • Description: Start by making a list of the most common insurance terms that clients are likely to encounter in their policy documents and discussions.

Section 2: Create simple definitions

  • Visual: A dictionary or glossary page with simplified definitions next to each term
  • Description: Write short, easy-to-understand definitions for each term on your list. Use everyday language and avoid industry jargon when possible.

Section 3: Use relatable examples

  • Visual: A series of comic-style illustrations showing various insurance scenarios (e.g., a person visiting a doctor’s office, filling a prescription, or going to the emergency room)
  • Description: Provide real-life examples to help clients better understand each term in context. For example, explain how a deductible works using a scenario where someone has to visit the emergency room.

Section 4: Break down costs with visuals

  • Visual: A pie chart or bar graph representing various insurance costs (e.g., deductible, co-pay, premium, out-of-pocket maximum)
  • Description: Use visuals like charts and graphs to help clients see how the different components of their insurance plan fit together and affect their overall costs.

Section 5: Offer a one-page summary of key points

  • Visual: A simple, clean, and organized one-page summary that includes the terms, definitions, examples, and visuals
  • Description: Create a one-page summary that clients can easily refer to whenever they need a refresher on the terms and concepts. This summary should be visually appealing and easy to understand.

Design elements:

  • Use a consistent color scheme and font throughout the infographic.
  • Add icons or small illustrations to help clarify concepts and draw attention to important points.
  • Use white space effectively to ensure the infographic is not too cluttered.
  • Make sure the overall design is visually appealing and easy to follow.

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